EmpowerID was unable to bind to Active Directory using your current configuration appears when attempting to access the AD Self-Service Suite Admin

You may experience the message "EmpowerID was unable to bind to Active Directory using your current configuration." when attempting to access the AD Self-Service Suite Admin:

1. Login to the AD Self-Service Suite server. Open the Control Panel and click on System and Security. In the System and Security page that appears, click on System.

2. In the System control panel applet that appears, under the Computer name, domain, and workgroup settings section, make note of the Computer name and Full computer name listed. In the example shown below the Computer name is ADSSVM and the Full computer name is ADSSVM.Exchange.com.

3. Open a Command Prompt window and run the following commands:

setspn -S HTTP/<Computer name> <Base URL of AD Self-Service Suite>
setspn -S HTTP/<Full computer name> <Base URL of AD Self-Service Suite>

Following our example from earlier, if the Computer name is ADSSVM, the Full computer name is ADSSVM.Exchange.com, and the URL of the AD Self-Service Suite is http://ADSSVM, the commands would look like the following:

setspn -S HTTP/ADSSVM.Exchange.com ADSSVM

NOTE: You will need permissions to modify the servicePrincipalName attribute against the computer account in Active Directory in order to execute this command successfully.

4. Close Internet Explorer and reload the AD Self-Service Suite Admin. You should no longer be prompted with the message EmpowerID was unable to bind to Active Directory using your current configuration when attempting to access the AD Self-Service Suite Admin.

For more information on AD Self-Service Suite please see the documentation.

Please feel free to contact us by e-mail at support@empowerid.com or by phone at (877) 996-4276 (Option 2) if you have any questions or concerns regarding this guide.

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