1. Open the desired Group Policy Object in the Group Policy Object Editor. In the Policy pane on the left hand side, expand Computer Configuration, expand Policies, expand Administrative Templates. Right click Administrative Templates and click Add/Remove Templates.
2. In the Add/Remove Templates window that appears, click the Add... button.
3. Browse to the location where you have extracted EmpowerIDCredentialProvider.adm. (This file is included with any download of the Password Manager Desktop Client - please contact your Support representative for download links or assistance)
4. Click on EmpowerIDCredentialProvider.adm and click Open.
5. Back at the Add/Remove Templates window, click Close.
6. Back at the Group Policy Management Editor window, expand Classic Administrative Templates, expand EmpowerID and click on EmpowerID Credential Provider. In the EmpowerID Credential Provider Extended pane on the right hand side, double click (or right click and click Edit) on Login Tile Button Text.
7. In the Login Tile Button Text window that appears, click the radio button to Enabled. Under Options:, click on the text field under Login Tile Button Text and enter the message you wish to appear underneath the password box on the login screen. The default value is "Click here for password reset". When finished, click OK.
An example of the Login Tile Button Text at the logon screen:
8. Back at the Group Policy Management Editor window, double click (or right click and click Edit) on Login Tile Button URL.
9. In the Login Tile Button URL window that appears, click the radio button to Enabled. Under Options:, click on the text field under Login Tile Button URL and enter the URL that points to the server hosting the EmpowerID or AD Self-Service Suite Recovery Center.
The default value for EmpowerID is: https://FQDN/EmpowerIDV5/RecoveryCenter
The default value for AD Self-Service Suite is: http://servername/ADSelfService/GINA/question.aspx
When finished, click OK.
10. Close the Group Policy Management Editor. On the next Group Policy update, the registry keys for Password Manager Desktop Client will be applied.
An example of the Login Tile Button URL once you click the link at the logon screen:
AD Self-Service Suite:
NOTE: If you wish to configure these registry keys manually on your personal workstation (for testing purposes) or using third party software, please use the following:
This is the text link that will appear below the password box.
"This is the URL value that points to the server hosting the EmpowerID or AD Self-Service Suite Recovery Center. The URL should be in the following format:
EmpowerID: https://FQDN/EmpowerIDV5/RecoveryCenter
AD Self-Service Suite: https://servername/ADSelfService/GINA/question.aspx
Please feel free to contact us by e-mail at support@empowerid.com or by phone at (877) 996-4276 (Option 2) if you have any questions or concerns regarding this guide.